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No-Budget Science

No-Budget Science is a regular meeting started in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro which now adopts a hackathon format. These events intend to promote discussions and provide training through biomedical research projects that can be done without many costs and without wet bench experiments - hence the “no-budget” name and the slogan: “a laptop in hand and an idea in mind”.


Reproducibility  is an international initiative formed with the goals of discussing various issues, articles and ideas on how to improve science. The journal club ReproducibiliTea Brasil  is the first affiliated seminar in South America, with online discussions, always in Portuguese, to integrate researchers and students around Brazil, as well as Brazilians around the world.


The Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative Systematic review and meta-Analysis  is a collaboration network of 30+ researchers experienced in conducting meta-analyses studies with pre-clinical data, which aims to have an active role in the development of systematic reviews and meta-analysis in the scope of Brazilian basic biomedical research.

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