Have you ever heard of metascience? And open science? Participating in the No Budget Science Hack Week is the opportunity to learn more about these topics and participate in research projects such as a means to build a better science.
The event is designed following the no-budget philosophy: “a laptop in your hand and an idea in your head” . We encourage the use of publicly available data, published literature syntheses, citizen science initiatives, and computational studies. After all, not all science needs a bench.
Persons from undergraduate to postdoctoral level are welcome. Join us in these two months of many activities and interaction.

Programming and
This year's event has two stages. from 9 to 30 of July , we will have the Pre-Hack Week : three weeks of debates online via Zoom on science dissemination, evidence synthesis, reproducibility, accessible data and open science . That first This phase will aim to encourage discussion and create an environment conducive to the emergence of project ideas and analysis. This discussion will be supported by a group on Slack , which will serve as facilitator of interaction, so that participants get to know each other and perceive common interests even from a distance.
In parallel, until the 30th of July , registration will be open for those who want to participate in the Hack Week itself, in which the projects will be developed. Between the 10th and 24th of August , the participants will form teams and will develop “no-budget” metascience projects, in remote collaboration. During this period, mentoring sessions, tool workshops, remote collaborative working tips, and ongoing project chats. Participation in Hack Week will not be exclusive to the Pre-Hack Week community, so even those unable to participate in the initial debates can register.
Pre-Hack Week Schedule

Hack Week Schedule

Closing the event - including the final presentation of the projects - will be on August 24th , Monday, from 1pm-4pm .

Until the 30th of July , registration will be open for those who want to participate in the Hack Week , developing "no-budget" projects.
It will take place between days August 10th and 24th . In these two weeks, the dedication will be greater, since the participants will be in daily (remote) contact with both their own work team formed at Hack Week and with the organization of the event and any people who offer mentoring for the projects.
We will publish here, soon, the schedule for Hack Week. Participation in Hack Week is not exclusive to the Pre-Hack Week community, you can sign up even if you don't participate in debates throughout July (and vice versa, you can participate in debates without committing to participate in Hack Week ).
To register, access and fill out the registration form .
* This site is for the 2020 event. For the 2021 edition, go to here .

The No-Budget Science Hack Week was conceived as an immersive week, where participants, in groups, would develop research projects in metascience - science to improve science - and it was in this format that the first edition took place. With the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the format was changed to a month of online events, but the name of the event and its purpose remain the same: the development of research projects and/or tools that address questions of the scientific process such as data availability, reliability, reproducibility, publication system, resource distribution, funding and training of researchers.
The first edition of the NBS took place in Rio de Janeiro in 2019 with activities divided between Instituto D'Or and UFRJ, with support from postgraduate programs at UFRJ and Instituto Serrapilheira. Eighteen participants from different states of Brazil, from undergraduates to post-docs, were part of the groups, which for a week developed their project ideas, which can be seen here .
Nothing better than knowing how the first edition of the event was through the words of the participants:
"The learning I learned during hack week has definitely opened up a completely different world within science than I was used to before. I don't know exactly how this will affect my academic life in the future, but I believe I have been privileged to be presented to this other world and its tools, and have the opportunity to use them."
"I believe that this experience opened many doors and windows, made me more concerned about the reproducibility of my publications, made it possible to increase my knowledge network of researchers, people I intend to continue in contact with and partnering with in research. I didn't know much about science. open and several tools covered. This prompted me to seek knowledge about some and maybe even learn more about programming."
"This week was fundamental for developing a new critical look at the development of science. Programs like this one help to reveal the current scenario in which we are contained and many times we don't even notice."
"This type of initiative has influenced me a lot to get to know and understand what the scientific community has become. Without a doubt, it has been very positive for me and I intend to be able to influence people around me."

Over the
No-Budget Science is a regular meeting organized since 2016 at the Health Sciences Center (UFRJ) to discuss projects in biomedical sciences that can be carried out without great cost - hence the slogan “a laptop in your hand and an idea in your head”.
One of the motivations for creating the event was to enable people interested in working on scientific projects outside the bench to meet. We were concerned about the increase in the number of publications over the years, making the task of synthesizing research data into useful information urgent. Throughout the editions, it became clear the need to also discuss the necessary conditions for such projects to prosper, such as transparency, reproducibility and reforms in the publication system.
Despite the interest of the local community in the topics covered, we are left with the feeling that the return in the form of completed or ongoing projects could be greater, leading us to seek a different format in 2019. With this, we hope to get closer to our initial idea: to stimulate collaborations in no-budget research projects and foster independence and academic entrepreneurship among young scientists in training, through the No-Budget Science Hack Week .
To learn more about No-Budget Science , visit the our Facebook page . There you'll find our community, as well as several videos from previous issues, including the launch issue of the first Hack Week .

All No-Budget Science Hack Week activities, including project development, will count with the supervision of your team of coordinators. In addition, we will have guest researchers who, in addition to contributing to the development of projects they will give lectures and tool tutorials involving various aspects of no-budget science.
Organizing committee

